It was cheap and smart, stealing the power supply off the pull-up resistors, but you know what happened to the parallel printer port. I built my first LPT-based SPI programming dongle around 2004, using instructions found on the Web. Powerful through integration with other modules from the YASEP frameworkĪ Flash SPI programmer is an essential engineering tool that has been done over and over.Perennial : store it for years on a shelf without fear of obsolescence.Plug&Play : connect it to your computer or the local hub, point your browser to the IP and start playing.Exempt of any proprietary technologies (directly or indirectly), such as USB: no driver or configuration to do for the user (you can use any OS or browser).Based only on Free Software (Affero GPLv3+ is chosen for everything).Easy to make yourself : simple, easy to find components, no hard-to-solder parts.Compact and autonomous : can operate with a battery pack for easy handling on site (yes I have used mine outdoors in winter with no access to mains.).Cheap: no significant investment so even beginners can do it.
The purpose of this project is to support the #YASEP and other Free Hardware Designs with the help of a device that is :